Refrigerated Distribution Centers

Refrigerated Distribution Centers

San Bernardino, Fontana, & Stockton, California


The C&L team designed and constructed three cold storage food distribution centers for a national chain of grocery stores known for their weekly fearless flyer. C&L was awarded and tasked to design and build, at the same time, a new 500,000 sq. ft distribution center in San Bernardino, a new 200,000 sq. ft distribution center in Stockton and a 70,000 sq. ft cooler expansion of an existing distribution center in Fontana, California.


All three refrigeration systems were constructed with ammonia natural refrigerant and service +36°F/0°F convertible rooms, freezers, coolers, -20°F ice cream freezers, and docks. Energy efficient heat recovery with “free” ammonia hot gas was implemented for the underfloor heating systems. All systems are controlled by custom refrigeration controls specifically for each plant’s operations.

Quick Facts

  • Design/Build ammonia refrigeration for three facilities totaling 870,000 sq. ft refrigerated area
  • Custom integration of Refrigeration Control Panels and HMI Programming.
  • Combined installation of (116) evaporators with stainless steel tubing, (15) ammonia screw compressors, (5) evaporative condensers, (18) pressure vessels, and miles and miles of refrigeration piping and pipe insulation.
  • Ammonia heat recovery used for under floor heating.